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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

C is for....

So, today is "C" day..and I have many things I could talk about for this letter. First, I MUST talk about 2 fabulous finds that I purchased at Kroger last night. Apparently I was CRAVING (another C word! i feel like Elmo!) something sweet, because i NEVER want ice cream...but, my friends, i bought not one, but TWO pints of ice cream. The first kind that grabbed my sweet tooth was, of course, Ben & Jerry's. They are by far my fave ice cream duo ever. I usually stick to the Half Baked Twisted, which has cookie dough & brownie chunks mixed into chocolate ice cream. I'm a bit of a chocoholic, fyi. But this time, i splurged on the Cake Batter. OMG. it's heavenly.

I also decided that, since i was craving banana pudding last week, i'd get Blue Bell's Banana Pudding ice cream...since i love banana pudding, but hate bananas. This is also equally wonderful...with little chunks of vanilla wafers in it!

So that's my sweet's recommendation for the worries, i only ate 2 bites of each of these delicacies last night. :)

So...last night i decided i wanted to COOK spaghetti & meatballs...and told Wick to come over and eat with me. Sounds fun, right? Well, FYI, i cannot make meatballs. This turned into a greasy, falling apart mess. Wick ate them, he's the sweetest :) but i preferred the spaghetti & sauce. I have leftover, uncooked meatballs in my if you have an idea of what i can do with those that will be more successful..let me know! I LOVE to cook...but i tend to get a my recipes don't go as planned. I make Kick-Ass tacos....but they get old sometimes..i like to try new things. I just need to not take it so personally I suppose. I'm really getting better at least i hope so :)

Another C word for today is CAR. The best feeling in the world is having a car that's paid for. The worst feeling in the world is knowing that that "paid for" car is on it's way to automobile heaven. That's the feeling i'm experiencing today. My lil Roxy Jetta is on the way out....and i'm not really doing a lot to help her survive. It's no secret that i'm no good at car care. Wick has instructed me that i MUST get my oil changed regularly...and i did just that last week, without being prompted by anyone. Well, this morning...on my way to the gas station...i ran out of gas. I've done this once before...came close several times before...but only run out once. With gas prices sky high, i know i'm not the only one who pushes a tank of gas to the limits. Apparently I need to learn exactly what those limits are. But, as always my parents came to the rescue, and I appreciate them so much. I just feel really stupid...ahh well what can ya do? So after a pretty crappy morning..i'm settling in at work and the day is looking up. I'm ready for a sushi lunch and a relaxing evening.

Did I mention that I look ULTRA-Cute today? :)

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