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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today's the DAY!

Happy Thanksgiving-Eve! Today is the beginning of my 4-day visit with Kevin, and I am ECSTATIC! He'll be here around 7 this evening, and I'll have a yummy taco dinner waiting on him :) We are leaving bright & early in the morning to head to Jackson to be with my Daddy's side of the family, then heading to Cleveland later in the afternoon to visit with Kevin's family. In the morning, we will be heading to my aunt & uncle's deer camp for some cookout, hunting & 4-wheeling fun! When we return to Starkville on Saturday, we will decorate my lil apartment for CHRISTMAS! I found my favorite Christmas CD last night while cleaning. It's jewel's Christmas CD. it's wonderful, if you don't have it, GO PURCHASE IT NOW! 
Today is really dragging by at work, and I seem to be a little on the irritable side. Could be because I slept on the couch last night (i was too lazy to put my clean sheets on my bed). could be because i dreamed i birthed a mouse baby.  allow me to explain: much of my thoughts at work are centered around mice. why you ask? because behind my office is a large field where the deer and the antelope play...well not really antelope, but there are deer back there every evening. where do antelope live anyways? i digress...the mice live back there too apparently, but they've decided it's much too cold for them to stay they are coming in. through the wall in the bathroom. which happens to be 4 feet from my desk. i can hear them scratching in the walls. not a pleasant sound, people. we have traps set out for them (you know, the sticky traps where when they get caught, they just squeal and it sounds god-awful) so we are catching quite a bit, but i am absolutely DEATHLY afraid of them. i have a fear one will crawl across my foot or just hop up on my desk and say "hey how ya doin?" mice are not welcome in offices. someone should send them the memo. anyways, apparently mice are consuming my thoughts, even in my sleep. i have no idea why i dreamed i BIRTHED a mouse...i think that's a little psychotic. but there you have it. i'm a mouse-mama. 
Happy Thanksgiving! 


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