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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

1 More Day Until the HOLIDAY..well, Holiday BREAK, that is..

so...i think i've done more work in the past 2 days than i have in the past 2 weeks. everyone wants their shirts it's been a lil bit crazy around here. which is fine with makes the day fly by and means that wednesday is just around the corner...which is the day that kevin arrives and we get to spend FOUR WHOLE DAYS together! i am totally stoked!! so a lot of my blog friends have been tagged as kreativ bloggers...whatever that is. anyways, when you get tagged, you have to list 6 interesting/weird facts about yourself. it got me to thinking about myself and my weird ticks/habits...and let me tell you, folks...i have way more than 6. so...i thought i'd waste some time and list my random facts..because i DO love making lists!! this will be my 3rd of the day :) so here no particular order....

1. i am absolutely terrified of postal workers, postal trucks, the post office...pretty much everything postal except stamps. unless i have to go buy actual stamps. i have no idea why i am afraid of these people...something about the blue uniform and the little square truck just freak me out. there used to be a man at the PO here who had a long stringy ponytail..i'm sure my fear somehow traces back to him. my friend cat can attest to this fear..she sent me to the PO one time to get the mail for our office and i called with a question...she could literally HEAR fear in my voice. thank god kevin isn't a postal worker. i'd be one sad chick.

2. i. hate. cold. food. if it's SUPPOSED to be cold (i.e pasta salad, cereal, etc.) i'm ok. but if it was once hot and is now cold..i can't eat it. it's something to do with the texture change and the smell of the cold food. spaghetti and tunafish are the WORST.  because of my hatred for cold food....

3. i despise leftovers. (except for about 3 exceptions) i will not eat them. up until a couple years ago, i wouldn't eat ANYTHING leftover. i do not mind: leftover tacos, leftover chili, or leftover red beans & rice. that is about all. i will NOT microwave chicken, i will NOT eat leftover spaghetti, and i will NOT microwave last night's grilled hamburgers. they do NOT taste the same, don't even TRY to convince me. how does one get by not eating leftovers while living alone, you ask?? ha! i'm a PRO at cutting recipes in half and making only one portion :) guess here pretty soon i'll have to learn to cook for 2 again! 

4. i am very weird about texture of my food ( ok so maybe the main thing in my life that i am weird about is what?). i hate anything slimy, mooshy, or runny. i hate tomatoes (mooshy), mushrooms & oysters (slimy) and eggs that are not scrambled or the yellow poked (runny). if people wouldn't look at me oddly, i would eat my food on a cafeteria or lil kid plate..because i'm also not fond of it touching.  don't judge me.

5. some days i truly think work is overrated and i can't wait to have kids and maybe stay home with them (not that that's not work, that's not my point..i think "office work" is overrated...except for the whole paycheck thing).

6. another food item...i do NOT eat chicken on the bone. ever. period. don't even think about asking me to.

7. (told you i had more than 6!) sometimes when i'm blogging, i pretend i'm carrie bradshaw. is that weird? i don't think so. she inspires me to put my words down instead of holding them in. she inspires me to take fashion risks. she inspires me to buy shoes.

8. having mentioned shoes, i should probably tell you...i have 89 pairs of shoes...and am CONSTANTLY on the lookout for another "perfect pair". a girl can never have too many shoes, i say. and if it makes you happy, i say go for it! 

9. i have no desire to ever live anywhere else except the south.

10. women that are incapable of having other women friends scare the bejesus out of me. 

11. i have completely lost touch with more than most of my friends from high school and it makes me sad every day. 

12. i can't buy oreos. if i do, they are gone in 3 days, TOPS. i am addicted. seriously.

13. flossie jayne is quite possibly the best friend i've ever had. she doesn't judge. she loves me. and she gives me kisses. i love her.

14. carnies also freak me out just a lil bit. i'm pretty easily scared. 

15. i wish it was christmas every day. 

16. i HATE staying in "motels". i like to stay in a "hotel" where there is a lobby and an intruder would have to go past a front desk to get to my room. 

ok so i can't think of anything else, as the facts are getting a little boring. i guess i was just interested in killing a little time....and that i did! :) HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 


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