Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 2, 2009

going to the chapel...


Saturday, March 21, 2009

busy days and sleepy nights

i am still a bad blogger. my days are filled with patients, insurance, frequent trips to the little girls room, MUCH eating (mostly cheese) and trying to stay awake. my nights are filled with dinner, time with kevin, and sleep (interrupted by MANY trips to the bathroom). don't get me wrong...i am happier than i have ever been in my entire life :) but pregnancy definitely takes a toll on your body and lifestyle! tonight, aunt tina took my very first preggo profile picture...i have a baby bump :) i will post the picture soon...hopefully! Things are going good in the Delta. Ready for spring to be here to stay so i can plant some flowers in my cute little yard!! Mama will be coming for that weekend, i need BOTH of her green thumbs for that project :) Other than weekly checks on the baby, and just hanging out with family...things are pretty quiet around here...and i like them that way :) Flossie Jayne is still a princess and is still NOT excited about not being the only baby in the Horton household :) i take full responsibility for her spoild-ness...and only hope i do not do the same thing to my child....although i fear that i will :). on the baby front, we have picked out names for the little munchkin! If he turns out to be a little Kevin, his name will be Ethan Jackson...and he will of course be called Jack. If she happens to be a precious little Emmie, she will be precious Emma Claire. We are excited about our little family and both couldn't be happier. In the meantime, my steak is i must go :)


Friday, February 20, 2009

very bad blogger..

so i disappeared for a apologies. no explanation really, just getting settled in in my new life, job, home, etc. things are going great in the delta, land of mosquitoes and cotton. i'm settling into my new job nicely. i have many busy, long days...however, i DO get off early on fridays...which sort of makes the late nights bearable:) our new home is more perfect than either of us imagined it could be. pictures to come soon i promise. all the rooms are finally decorated to my liking...although the office will not be an "office" for, in the next 6 or so months will be turned into a nursery. that's right folks, kevin and i are expecting a baby in early October :) we are very surprised..but couldn't be happier. we already love this little one so much and can't wait to welcome him/her into our home ( of course i want to welcome "her", and he wants to welcome "him"). we heard the sweet little heartbeat last was magical, and i never realized how special it is, as a woman, to have the gift of being able to bear children. i have always dreamed of having a child...and i feel like every day i am LIVING a dream...wiht the man of my dreams :) ok i'm done being sappy now (note: pregnancy makes you ultra weepy!! )
that's really the only news i keeps me too busy to be a facebook stalker, myspace stalker and regular blogger...which makes me VERY unhappy. i miss my interwebz friends! anyways..i am going to try to be more regular and keep updated with baby H's progress, as well as some pictures of the new house. if the weather would ever decide if it's going to be spring or frigid winter, we could do some landscaping and plant some sweet little's hoping :)


Friday, January 16, 2009

bittersweet farewell...

well, today is kinda my last day at dux d'lux. i say "kinda" because i'll still be doing commission-based work from my lil home office...but it's my last day at my desk in my office at dux d'lux as inside sales rep. we had our last girls' lunch...and that was really sad :( i've come to really enjoy those gossippy lunches...and i will definitely miss the girls. i know we'll stay in touch, but not seeing them everyday will be different for me for a while. BUT i am oh-s0-ecstatic about moving TOMORROW! it's been a really quick 2 weeks...seemingly so mostly because everything has just sort of fallen into our laps..job-wise, house-wise, etc. we'll be pulling out sometime around noon tomorrow afternoon and heading to our new house in cleveland...and unpacking and cleaning and unpacking and arranging..well...for a LONG time. i'll be off work monday & i plan for our house to be completely settled by the time kevin gets home from work on tuesday. maybe i'll even have dinner fixed for him....awwww i'm a good lil wifey already :) 
am really excited about starting my new job. think it will be fun, busy & challenging, which is everything i'm looking for right now. the office peeps i'll be working with seem really nice & easygoing, and so does the doctor i'll be working for. i'm really excited about our new house being right down the road from beth & john, as well as lil Dylan :) when i need my baby fix, i'll just go borrow him for a lil while :)
as EXCITED as i am...i will really, really miss my family here in starkville, as well as my friends. i've gotten really spoiled to having my parents right down the road for 2 years now...and it's been really nice. also having my sister around is really wonderful...we're the best of friends and it will be hard to be away from her and the sweet babies...not even gonna GO there..or the tears will flow. those kids have my heart and i love them so much! i know we will be back quite a bit to visit...i dont want to miss anymore than i have to! 
we're spending the night with my parents my apartment isn't so much livable right now...boxes everywhere, sheets already get the idea. my mama has promised us a dinner of crawfish etoufee, my favorite dish, and fluffy pancakes in the morning. i think i could get used to "visiting" her house... :) 
next time i post, i will be a resident of Cleveland, MS. lookout, Delta, here i come :) 


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

my very own red front door

so here are a couple pictures of the front outside of our new home :) i just love it. as you are looking at them, imagine there are tulips planted along the walk from the driveway to the front porch...because as soon as spring has been sprung, they will be there! i can't wait to make this house my new home!! 

Monday, January 12, 2009

home sweet almost-home

this weekend was a very productive one. my mom and i headed to the delta after work on friday. we met my mom's sister's family & my kevin for dinner and then had drinks around a bonfire. saturday morning we were up rather early to go look at houses for kevin & i (he had to work and missed all the fun :( ). the first house we looked at was H.U.G.E. for 2 people. i would have lost kevin...and most definitely lost FJ! despite the "bigness", something was just was DARK..really dark. and the carpet was much older than i prefer, fenced in yard for the princess. So, to the 2nd house we went. I must admit, at this point, my hopes were pretty crushed. we had our hearts set on that big house...but i just couldn't live with the inside, and it definitely wasn't move-in ready. when we got to the 2nd house, my spirits were immediately lifted. IT HAS A RED FRONT DOOR! if you know me, you know that i absolutely ADORE red front doors. there's something just so inviting and friendly about a red front door (promise, that's the last time i'm going to use the phrase "red front door" in this post!). Anyways, we went inside and i fell in love! it has light hardwood floors, and khaki walls with white trim...and LOTS of windows! so there is LOTS of natural sunlight coming in. it has a fenced in backyard for the princess and the kitchen is FABULOUS! it's newly remodled with new appliances and fabulous countertops.  the living room is huge (and i can't wait to fill it with all new furniture...when money allows..). the bedrooms are nice sized and i've already picked out which will be our bedroom, our guest room and our office. the ONLY downfall to this home is that it only has 1 bathroom...but it's not teensy tinsy, and we will make it work. overall, for our first house, i think we should be proud of it...and it will make a wonderful first home for us. i can't wait to get in there and clean clean clean and really make it ours.  :) so...if anyone is around on saturday and wants to help us move...feel free! the tentative schedule is as follows:
Friday, Jan. 16th: 
Finish packing while waiting on Kevin to get to town

Saturday, Jan. 17th:
Load up my entire LIFE into a covered trailer.
Head to Cleveland.
Unload my entire LIFE from the trailer.
Unpack, and hang pictures and make this house a HOME :) 

Sunday, Jan. 18th:
Finish unpacking, arranging, and rearranging.
Go grocery shopping to stock our NEW KITCHEN.

Monday, Jan. 19th:
Circa 5 A.M: Head to Starkville for doctor's appointment at 8:30.
After doctor, head to Dux to finish out last 2 days of work.

Tuesday, Jan. 20th:
After last day of employment at Dux, head to Cleveland to see what my Honey has done in our house! :) hopefully, lots of manly, handy things that i can't do. Oh, the joys of living with a man! 

Wednesday, Jan 21st:
First day at Dr. Blake's office...and first day we get to come home to each other after work! 

Can you feel my happiness?


Thursday, January 8, 2009

On the way to work this morning, i was listening to the local country music station, and Sugarland's "Want To" came on the radio. I really listened to the lyrics of this song...and it really does fit what i'm feeling in my life right now. For the first time in my life, i have jumped in head first without analyzing it to death (even though i tried!) and for the first time in my life, i am truly happy with EVERYTHING. even though i do NOT want to not see my niece and nephew every day, or my parents & sister every day..i know this move is what God has planned for me...and i know that Kevin is the one he has picked out for me...since we were both tiny babies. It's so amazing to have dreams, and to meet someone who has the SAME dreams...and to put your lives together and have dreams together. 

I packed a cooler and a change of clothes
Let's jump in, see how far it goes
You got my heart and your daddy's boat
We've got all night to make it float

We could sit on the shore
We could just be friends
Or we could jump in

The whole world could change in a minute
Just one kiss could stop it spinning
We could think it through
But I don't want to, if you don't want to

We could keep things just the same
Leave here the way we came
with nothing to lose
But I don't want to, if you don't want to

I got your ring around my neck
and a couple of nights I don't regret
You've got a dream of a degree and a shirt that smells like me

Yeah we both got dreams
we could chase alone
or we could make our own

The whole world could change in a minute
Just one kiss could stop it spinning
We could think it through
But I don't want to if you don't want to
We could keep things just the same
Leave here the way we came
with nothing to lose
But I don't want to if you don't want to

Never waste another day wonderin' what you threw away
Holding me, holding you
I don't want to, if you don't want to

We could keep things just the same
Leave here the way we came with nothing to lose
But I don't want to, if you don't want to

But I want to
But I want you 


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Leaving on a jet plane...

well..i won't be leaving on a PLANE exactly..more like my car and kevin's yukon with a BIG trailer behind it. BUT...the news is that i HAVE accepted a position in Cleveland. I will be doing insurance & billing for Dr. Blake, who is a general surgeon at Bolivar Medical Center. I am really excited about this opportunity, and most definitely could NOT pass it up! I am ready to be settled and to be with Kevin...more than just weekends, at least! :) So keep me/us in your prayers...lots of changes coming up! 

Next Step: House hunting this weekend! :)


Monday, January 5, 2009

Sayonara, 2008!

i know, i know...2 posts in 1 hour?! seriously? but ya'll know how i do love a good survey..and this one really let me reflect on what all i am thankful for from the past year! it was a rough year...and at times the best year of my life! so here goes!! :) 

Favorite song in 08: i have so many favorites...for many different reasons. i LOVE Aqualung's "brighter than sunshine". i LOVE Zac Brown Band's "chicken fried. and i love SugarLand's "already gone". 
Favorite movie in 08: TOTALLY Sex and the City...without a doubt! 
Favorite new friends of 08: Kevin!! of course!!! and my Holley!! 
Favorite concert in 08: Hmm....did i go to
 a concert this year??? i really don't think i did. except some heavy metal ones that i really did not get into..
Favorite musical group in 08: Hmmm...i LOVE Sugarland...and Zac Brown Band....i love so many groups right now.....
Favorite purchase in 08: Hmm...probably some pair of shoes or a fabulous outfit..
Favorite baby born in 08: Most definitely my sweet, sweet Braylon boy.
Favorite TV show in 08: Grey's Anatomy, Big Bang Theory, New Adventures of Old Christine, American Idol, anything on Food Network! 
Favorite vacation spot of 08: Savannah, GA & Cleveland, MS....soon to be my HOME! :) 
Favorite photo taken in 08:This one, our very first picture together :) 

long time, no post!

merry christmas, happy new year and all that jazz! i've been away from the blog world for almost 2 weeks now! wow! it's been really nice being off work and not having to look at a computer screen...but today it's back to the daily grind. work work and more work! it's not as bad as i thought it might be...but we'll see how the day progresses! i have LOTS to update on...hmm i guess christmas is first. we had a wonderful christmas eve with my family. my sister and the babies were there, as well as my sweet Mamaw from Clinton (and she LOVED her painting, which just thrilled me!). my sister gave kevin and i a STAND MIXER..which i have wanted for SUCH a long time. we were thrilled with our gift and appreciate lindsay's thoughtfulness so much. kevin got it out when we got back to town yesterday and whipped up a batch of brownies and a strawberry cake to take to my mom's for sunday lunch! yeah, he's a keeper! :) she also gave us a digital picture frame..which i have to admit i have never really been into. but the one she gave is us really cute and tasteful, and will be used to display pictures of kevin & i together in our new home ( more on this later in the post). 

Cute little digital picture frame...with no pictues on it. 
Our wonderful stand mixer...after her first use! 

After we had Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve, Kevin decided he was ready for us to have our Christmas...and would not STOP until I agreed to exchange presents. so off we went to my house to gather up our presents for each other and head back to my parents....because of COURSE my mom wanted to see each and every thing we got for each other :). ladies, let me just tell man knows me and knows what i want! and boy does he have good taste! :) i'll let the pictures speak for themselves on this one!!

Yes, that says JIMMY CHOO!!!

my beautiful purse..he did so good! 

Hello, Mr. Hobo!

my sparklies. i love them so much :) 

Those are my pretties from my honey :). he also bought sweet flossie jayne a dress, and got me a really cute MSU t-shirt. After a wonderful Christmas Eve with my family, we woke up Christmas morning and headed to the Delta for Christmas with his family at his brother's house. They draw names and were so sweet to include me in their drawing this year. I drew Kevin's brother, Chris, and he drew my name as well! Here is a picture of the fabulous decorative tray & candles they gave me! Thank you, Chris & Leigh! 

Chris & Leigh also gave me some SCRUMPTIOUS French Vanilla coffee! They are too sweet. I really enjoyed spending the day with Kevin's family and they are such sweet, sweet people. The next week was spent just hanging out with Kevin, my cousins and other family and lounging with Flossie Jayne. Here are a couple pictures from the New Year's bonfire. 

Me and my sweet, sweet cousin Beth

me, Beth, and my Aunt Tina

me and my sweet, sweet honey :)

So i guess the biggest news of the holiday season is that we are actively looking for a place to live TOGETHER. i couldn't be more thrilled and excited about starting this next phase of my life with the LOVE of my life! :)  more details to come as i know them! as for know, keep your fingers crossed and remember us in your prayers as i think about job opportunities as well as thinking about moving! 
